The Vittoriano, also known as the Altair of Peace, dominates piazza Venezia and is composed of a wide stairwell that brings to the first terrace where the Altair sits and the tomb to the Unknown Soldier. High above, the statue of Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoia, first King of Italy, towers above everything.
From the Imperial Fori side, you can access to the Brasini wing, where you can find the Risorgimento museum and wide exhibition halls hosting contemporary art exhibitions from all over the world.
The Vittoriano to many tourists and roman, is a must because it is in the middle
of the crossroads of many important monuments. Coming from Piazza del Popolo and walking along via del Corso you get directly into piazza Venezia, having the Altair at its end. After having taken some pictures, you can choose to go right to the Campidoglio, the Town Hall, and the Musei Capitolini, where you can find the equestrian monument of Marcus Aurelius, or you can go to the left and choose to go along the Imperial Fori and get to the Colosseum in a matter of minutes.
Speaking of public transport, close to the Vittoriano you will find many bus lines going towards the furthest away areas of the city.
This is one of the reasons why it is considered to be a great rendezvous place to meet to go shopping in the shops of the centre, or to go and visit the many museums and archaeological sites of the Eternal City.